Stats & Graphs

As we continue to collect more data from the service, we'll share a lot of interesting graphs & statistics on this page to provide you with a picture of what to expect from the BowTied BetPicks Premium Service.

Stats for the UK/IRE Horse Racing Channel

BowTied BetPicks - UK Horse Racing

Performance for *our* first 2 months [live test] with the Bot

CLV against Betfair for the first ~300 live bets

Premium Channel Statistics

Average number of bets/day: 42.

Most intense hours: 09.00 - 13.00 GMT

Average EV: +19 %

What does a notification look like?

Distribution of notifications during a typical week

Distribution of notifications during a typical day

A day in BowTied BetPicks [2023-08-10]

A message in the Australian Bet Picks Channel

Stats for the US Channel

BowTiedBetPicks - US Sports